Sarah Kincheloe, LCSW-S
Willow Therapy Associates therapists are supervised by Sarah Kincheloe, LCSW-S.
Sarah is a board-approved clinical supervisor with two decades of experience in Austin, Chicago, and NYC, who has been providing clinical supervision since 2014. Sarah’s supervision focuses on skill building, case conceptualization, ethics and boundaries, and providing support to those new to the field.
Sarah says:
I offer online supervision as well as therapy opportunities for Texas LMSWs. I am accepting supervisees currently for combined group & individual supervision - contact me or check for more information.
I’m currently in private practice, but I have extensive experience working with people with multiple vulnerabilities and challenges, including homelessness, mental illness, addiction, trauma history, criminal justice, and personality disorders typically related to attachment and intergenerational trauma. I have worked in community-based, crisis and residential settings, and have more than a decade of experience doing group therapy as well as individual.
With clients I use psychoeducation, CBT and DBT, EMDR, motivational interviewing, and supportive/relational psychotherapy to work toward client-identified goals. I want to help people feel empowered to make choices and understand their situation, communicate in a healthy way, and self-advocate and set goals related to quality of life, not illness.
With my supervisees I use a relational model. We keep a healthy boundary of supervision, not therapy, but explore what plays out in the supervision relationship and how it relates to client work. I encourage my supervisees to find their “self” and use it in therapy. We prioritize client crises, countertransference, and ethical issues, and then dive into case consultation, conceptualization, diagnosis, treatment planning, and interventions. I have a particular interest in clients with personality disorders and help supervisees explore this common facet of mental health with their clients as well.
I’ve supervised LMSWs in many settings including mental health agencies, private practice, psychiatric hospitals and IOPs, medical settings, and non-profit work. I feel that group supervision allows for the most learning while individual allows for personal growth related to challenging situations, so I prefer to provide a combination of group/individual to give people the best of both worlds.